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Climate Change Education

NOAA - Teaching Climate

Integrate NOAA's useful climate education tools into your teaching. I recommend the climate dashboard for simple graphs and charts and their interactive tools and multimedia for more meaningful, tangible engagement. I recommend these tools middle and high school grade levels.


This site features a catalog of maps, data, and tools that students can use to research drought and its impacts on agriculture, wildfires, water supply, vegetation, soil moisture, temperature, and precipitation. Check out the static visualization tool and select categories to browse data. Please note that while many of these tools are free of scientific jargon, most require an introduction.

Global Change

Global Change has assembled several resources and implementation-ready lesson plans highlighting climate change impacts. Get started with their Educator Resource tools or download the Climate Literacy Framework. Numerous student-friendly case studies such as the impacts on birds can also be used to initiate climate change conversations.

National Park Service

The National Park Service Climate Change Response Program developed a collection of educational videos that explore the science of climate change impacts in National Parks, what can be learned about climate change in National Parks and other protected areas, and how to demonstrate climate change principles in classroom settings.

Center for Behavior and Climate

The mission of the Center for Behavior and Climate is to make a difference in climate change for people and wildlife through transformative education. They create educational materials, including courses, that translate cutting-edge behavioral and environmental science and insights for multiple audiences.


Research demonstrates that the average student receives less than 2 hours of climate change education per year. This project sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation aims to quintuple that effort through their #Teach10Hours4ClimateChange project. Will you take the pledge?

Cool Climate Calculator

Have students (grade 6 and up) calculate their carbon footprint and identify ways they can start taking action. Make note that this tool is more detailed than your typical carbon footprint calculator and will require student interaction with their adults. They also have a cool interactive household carbon footprint map.

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Climate Change Education: Features

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